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Festivities in Morocco
Find attractions for all ages and interests in the vibrant city of morocco
morocco Attractions

About morocco

is a sovereign country located in the Maghreb region of North Africa. Geographically, Morocco is characterised by a rugged mountainous interior, large tracts of desert and a lengthy coastline along the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.

Morocco has a population of over 33.8 million and an area of 446,550 km2 (172,410 sq mi). Its capital is Rabat, and the largest city is Casablanca. Other major cities include Marrakesh, Tangier, Tetouan, Salé, Fes, Safi, Agadir, Meknes, Oujda, Kenitra, and Nador. A historically prominent regional power, Morocco has a history of independence not shared by its neighbours. Since the foundation of the first Moroccan state by Idris I in 789, the country has been ruled by a series of independent dynasties, reaching its zenith under the Almoravid and Almohad dynasty, spanning parts of Iberia and Northwestern Africa. Marinid and Saadi dynasties continued the struggle against foreign domination, and Morocco remained the only North African country to avoid Ottoman occupation. The Alaouite dynasty, the current ruling dynasty, seized power in 1666. In 1912 Morocco was divided into French and Spanish protectorates, with an international zone in Tangier, and regained its independence in 1956. Moroccan culture is a blend of Arab, indigenous Berber, Sub-Saharan African, and European influences.

Morocco claims the non-self-governing territory of Western Sahara as its Southern Provinces. Morocco annexed the territory in 1975, leading to a guerrilla war with indigenous forces until a cease-fire in 1991. Peace processes have thus far failed to break the political deadlock.

Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament. The King of Morocco holds vast executive and legislative powers, especially over the military, foreign policy and religious affairs. Executive power is exercised by the government, while legislative power is vested in both the government and the two chambers of parliament, the Assembly of Representatives and the Assembly of Councillors. The king can issue decrees called dahirs which have the force of law. He can also dissolve the parliament after consulting the Prime Minister and the president of the Constitutional court.

Morocco's predominant religion is Islam, and the official languages are Arabic and Berber. The Moroccan dialect, referred to as Darija, and French are also widely spoken. Morocco is a member of the Arab League, the Union for the Mediterranean, and the African Union. It has the fifth largest economy of Africa.

Festivities in Morocco


New Years Day - Western Celebration Independence Celebration (1 of 5 during the year) Secular


Tafraoute - End of the winter rains. Aid Al Adha / A'd el-Khebir - Commemoration of Abrahams sacrifice

March & April

Beni Mellal - Cotton harvest moussem Fatih Mouharam - Islamic New Years Ashura - Day of tithing Aid el Arch - The coronation of King Mohammed VI


Moulay Bousselham - Moussem of Sidi Ahmed Ben Mansour Berkane - Harvest moussem for clementines El Kelia des Mgouna - Rose festival to celebrate the new crops Labor Day - May 1 Id el Mouloud - Prophet Mohammed's birthday Ben Aissa Moussem - the largest of all moussems which includes amazing displays of fantasia, glass swallowing, etc.


June Music Festival - Held in Fez. Musicians from all around the world join in this festival Independence Day - A week long oceanside festival/party Goulimine - traditionally a fair for camel TRADERS Tan Tan - Moussem of Sidi Mohammed Ma el Ainin. Guedra dance may be performed at this festival. Gnaoua Festival - Music Festival


July Marrakesh Popular Arts Festival - Traditional Moroccan folklore Tetouan - Moussem of Moulay Abdessalem which is celebrated very religiously in great splendor and ceremony. Sefrou - Festival of the cherry harvest Al Hoceima - festival of the sea harvest Celebration of the Throne - Parades and fireworks - 30 July


Asilah Arts Festival - Exposure for local artists Celebration of the Young - August 21 Setti Fatma - Popular moussem held in the Ourika valley Sefrou - Moussem of Sidi Lahcen el Youssi El Jadida - Moussem of Moulay Abdallah. It features fantasias. Tiznit - Moussem of Sidi Ahmed ou Moussa. This is principally a religious festival. Immouzer du Kandar - a moussem for harvesting apples and pears. Immouzer des Ida Outanane - a honey moussem which last about a week.


Chefchaouen - Moussem of Sidi Allal al Hadh. Moulay Idriss Zerhoun - Moussem of Moulay Idriss, the patron saint of Fez, which is the biggest religious moussem. Imilchil - a marriage festival in the Atlas mountains (see marriage customs)also a showcase for traditional costumes


The Date Festival - Held in Erfoud


Ramadan - month of fasting Independence Day - Nov 18 Eid al Fitr - Endof Ramadan Erfoud - a harvest festival


Rafsae - olive harvest festival Hajj Day - Dec 31


Morocco or the Kingdom of Morocco has their own way of showing their love of sports. They excel in different kinds of sports and they proved it when Hicham El Guerrouj took two gold medals in 2004 Summer Olympics in athletics.

The most popular sport in Morocco that you can see everywhere in the country and most of the population, even the young ones, are playing is football. Due to the popularity of the sport in the country, they made an annual Football Competition which they called Botola Pro. There are sixteen teams that compete to get the crown - and the champion and runner-up in the competition get to participate in the African Champions League.

Sports in Morocco are not only for the local population but for tourists as well. Camel and horse riding, as well as hiking and golf as quite popular and gaining grounds in the Moroccan modern culture. Skiing is also available so they can show how beautiful the mountains in Morocco are. Water sports like swimming is also available mainly because they have a lot of superb resorts and beaches that the people in Morocco and the tourist enjoy.


Souks are a way of life in Morocco and you usually wont have to go far to find one. You can often get good bargains here, but remember that most Moroccans will have a lot more experience than you will when it comes to haggling the price so you will seldom find yourself able to get better than that which is offered.

You may find, if you are friendly and courteous enough, that you will soon start to make friends with the locals. If this happens and you are invited to a meal, it is good to keep in mind some of the local customs. For example, you will usually take off your shoes when entering a house. You can follow your host’s example in this regard. Also it is a good idea to take a gift of some sort with. If you are in a home in the city you might take some pastries or some sugar with you. If you are in the county it would be better to buy a live chicken for the household which is likely to not be quite so well off. A home invitation is perhaps the most authentic way to sample Moroccan dishes. Most Moroccan food is eaten with the hands. If you are invited to join someone for a meal, you should always eat with the right hand as the left is supposed to be used for the toilet.

Any plans to visit mosques will usually meet with failure as these are considered to be very holy places that only Muslims are allowed access to. Though this is allowed in other parts of the world, the closest you will likely get to the inside of a mosque in Morocco is if you visit some ruins or disused mosques such as Tin Mal and Smara. Most other monuments are on view to the public for a price and you can also observe certain celebrations such as the Imichal wedding Fair.

When taking photographs of the local people, it would be wisest to ask their permission. Taking a photograph of someone with out their permission – especially in rural areas – can cause offense. This may result in them demanding money from you – even if you only intended to take a scenic shot of something. In contrast, taking photographs of someone you have become friendly with is usually very welcome. Often people with whom you’ve become acquainted will take you to a place where they can get a photograph taken with you for themselves. You should not be unfriendly about this as it usually does not result in you paying for the picture or any further harassment.

Traditionally the men take to the streets and the women are in control of their homes. This means that you will not often find woman in cafés or restaurants. If you are a woman and you strike up a friendship, you will likely be invited to the person’s home or to a hamman (bath) for further association. On the other hand, if you are a man or a man and woman traveling together, you will likely be invited into a café for some tea or a meal.

In general, Moroccan culture can be an exiting and worldly experience. The people are friendly and the place is colorful. Hospitality is really a part of their culture so you can strike up friendships virtually anywhere if you have the right attitude. Usually this results in further association with these dynamic and interesting people and a real taste of Moroccan life.


The art of this country is truly special. Many historical examples are on display at the local museums. More modern examples are on display at art galleries and in souks. Beware of cheap imitations though!

There are so many different ways that the people express themselves – in carpets, clothing, jewelry, ceramics, sculpture, painting, carving, and calligraphy. They even hold an international art festival once a year to showcase all their talent. If you ever have the opportunity to visit this country, you should consider buying some of the local artwork. Not only will it provide you with a little memento of your trip, but it will help out the local people who are usually quite poor.

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